St. Theresa Pre-University College

Principal's Message

Welcome to the website of St.Theresa Pre University College (Triveni PU)
As you navigate your way through the site discovering what we have to offer, you will find answers to the many preliminary questions about our college, our academic programme and students life.
As the principal of the college , I feel honoured and privileged to be part of an educational institution where every stakeholder is a learner and everyday is an opportunity to learn and discover. I believe in upholding high standards with an absolute commitment to strive to understand and improve the educational process using team strategies while wholly centering on student achievement.
Teamwork is the hallmark of St.Theresa Pre University College, I appreciate the efforts put in by our wonderful team of students, teachers and the unstinting support of the Management in our pursuit of Excellence. I appreciate our parent fraternity for supporting us in every aspect.
Looking forward to another rewarding year and hoping that our college will scale great heights and keep the St.Theresa Pre University College flag flying higher and higher.



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